Our story

EQTEC plc, as we’re now known, is the combination of two organisations, each with their own exciting history

EQTEC technology at Movialsa, Ciudad Real, Spain

Decades of clean energy development

In the beginning, EQTEC Iberia started operations from Spain in 1997.

Led by our current CTO, the company brought together a number of innovative and influential energy engineering PhD professionals with many years’ combined experience in designing and building co-generation plants. EQTEC Iberia has since developed a research and development program in biomass and waste thermochemical gasification based on a bubbling fluidized bed gasifier.

EQTEC logo translucent. Welcome to EQTEC global experts in advanced gasification technology. Click to read how our patented methods turn sustainable waste to energy.

In Ireland in 2008, under the name Kedco plc and later React Energy plc, a business started operating as a developer of renewable energy projects and listed on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) of the London Stock Exchange.

EQTEC logo translucent. Welcome to EQTEC global experts in advanced gasification technology. Click to read how our patented methods turn sustainable waste to energy.

A number of years later, React Energy plc saw the opportunity to marry its project development experience with the technology expertise of EQTEC Iberia. In December 2017, React completed a reverse takeover and acquired 100% of the share capital of EQTEC Iberia. The EQTEC plc of today was created.

EQTEC logo translucent. Welcome to EQTEC global experts in advanced gasification technology. Click to read how our patented methods turn sustainable waste to energy.

In September 2019, David Palumbo joined as Chief Executive Officer, to work alongside Gerry Madden, the previous Finance Director and Yoel Alemán, Chief Technology Officer. A year later, Jeffrey Vander Linden was appointed as Chief Operating Officer, bringing extensive commercial, financial, operational and delivery excellence to the business. More recently, Nauman Babar was appointed as Chief Financial Officer.

EQTEC logo translucent. Welcome to EQTEC global experts in advanced gasification technology. Click to read how our patented methods turn sustainable waste to energy.

EQTEC represents the culmination of decades of clean energy development and process design and engineering expertise brought together under one roof. From its roots in project development in Ireland and the engineering excellence in Spain, which created the proven and patented Advanced Gasification Technology, through our projects we are now playing a central role in delivering much needed infrastructure to solve two key decarbonisation challenges: reducing volumes of waste and producing clean forms of energy and biofuels.

Did you know?


The E stands for Energy, Q stands for Quality and TEC is short for Technology
It’s pronounced ‘E-Q-TEC’

EQTEC Iberia began operations in Spain in 1997, bringing together a number of key professionals in the field of energy engineering.
December 2017, the Irish company completed a Reverse Take Over and acquired 100% of the share capital of EQTEC Iberia. EQTEC plc was born.
In Ireland in 2008 EQTEC plc, as we came to be known, began life as a developer of renewable energy projects.
From our roots in project development in Ireland and engineering excellence in Spain, we are solving the problems of how to make better use of waste and how to scale clean energy and biofuels production.